About the tool
Use this free online tool to help you choose plants for your garden.
You can search for climate-wise plants based on sun, shade and frost tolerance and water needs.
Find information and images on over 340 different plant species suitable to grow in Canberra.
Using this tool, you can take the first steps towards growing a climate wise garden that includes:
- plants that thrive in our climate
- plants that provide habitat for native animals
- a design that considers water use, ensures rainwater is absorbed into the ground and run off is minimised.
In the ACT, climate wise gardens can protect against extreme heat, rainfall events and bushfires.
Canberra’s Living Infrastructure Plan: Cooling the city is helping our city adapt to the effects of climate change. With your help as a climate wise gardener, we can get closer to meeting the plan’s goals.
You might also want to get involved in one of the ACT’s Community Projects (including composting and micro-forest projects) that are also making a big contribution to our environment.
By planning for hotter, dryer conditions we can create gardens that are resilient to climate change and can be enjoyed for a long time to come.
Visit the Everyday Climate Choices website for more information or email the SustainableHomeAdviceProgram@act.gov.au
Climate wise garden resources
Other resources to help you grow a climate wise garden include the: